BT Project - Incident management

Role: Lead Product designer, responsible for the migration of BT systems to the industry leading SaaS tool, Service Now.

Accomplishments: Led the UX team within the service assurance squad, set quarterly objectives for my team in correlation to the product roadmap, assist 14 squads with company wide objective prioritisation, and feed product enhancements and configurations to the product development team, driven from user research.

Persona-Centric Precision: Enhancing Incident Management Through Multifaceted Insights.

In navigating the intricacies of BT's incident management process, the dynamic involvement of three central personas unfolds: the customer, actively utilizing services; the agent, tasked with logging and initiating incident tickets; and the resolver, dedicated to rectifying issues raised by both customers and agents.

Given the inherent complexity of services and the indispensable roles these personas play as vital components in the system, a comprehensive exploration of pain points within the process from various vantage points becomes not just a necessity but a strategic imperative. This understanding forms the foundation for a holistic approach to refining and optimising the incident management workflow.

Navigating Complexity: Tailoring Solutions to User Journeys Through In-Depth Goal Analysis.

In the subsequent stage, my attention shifted to unravelling user goals, where the challenge lay in the diverse nature of tasks and the emergence of multiple variables when addressing potential issues. Navigating this intricate problem space required a keen exploration of each user journey, meticulously pinpointing specific highs and lows along the way.

This granular approach empowered my team and me to craft solutions tailored to the unique characteristics of each journey, emphasizing the significance of empathy and a meticulous attention to detail in the problem-solving process.

Innovative Ideation: Bridging Knowledge Gaps for Holistic Design Solutions.

Armed with a deep understanding of user needs, pain points, and service intricacies, I initiated an ideation workshop with my team. This collaborative session served as a dynamic platform for brainstorming and prioritizing potential solutions.

Moreover, this process revealed gaps in our knowledge, prompting us to hone in on those specific areas, conduct further investigations, and gather more targeted information. This iterative approach not only fuelled the ideation process but also ensured that our design solutions were rooted in a comprehensive understanding of both internal and user perspectives.

Strategic Illumination: Navigating User Experience Challenges Through Precision Journey Mapping.

Crafted a visual representation that meticulously separated the anticipated product process from the actual user experience. By developing a comprehensive journey map, I aimed to illuminate potential problem areas within the common cycle. This strategic approach involved identifying typical pain points and understanding where deviations from the idealized process occurred.

The journey map served as a powerful tool, offering a nuanced insight into the intricacies of the user experience and revealing specific stages prone to bottlenecks. This clarity allowed for a focused and informed design strategy to address the identified issues effectively.

Seamless Evolution: Proactive Problem Resolution in Product Life Cycle through Holistic Journey Mapping.

The journey map, grounded in insights from previous collaboration with internal service designers and user research findings, provided a holistic view of the product's life cycle. By pinpointing areas where tasks encountered challenges or delays, I could discern critical points that required attention.

This proactive identification of problem areas not only facilitated a targeted improvement strategy but also underscored the commitment to designing solutions that address the practical realities of user interactions. Through this process, I aimed to enhance the overall user experience by mitigating bottlenecks and streamlining tasks, ultimately contributing to a more efficient and user-friendly product design.

Persona-Driven Progress: Streamlining Incident Management Tool Migration with Strategic Service Blueprinting.

Central to these efforts was the creation of a high-level service blueprint, a comprehensive visual representation that illuminated the seamless flow of incident management for three distinct personas, highlighting the capabilities required for a smooth transition to the new incident management tool, ServiceNow.

By categorising the status of each capability—whether ready, in production, or pending implementation—I provided a clear snapshot of the project's progress. This approach not only ensured transparency but also allowed for efficient tracking of the product's evolution, fostering a streamlined migration process.

This persona-driven segmentation not only enhanced the overall clarity of the migration strategy but also laid the foundation for a user-centric approach, aligning the rollout with the diverse requirements of distinct customer groups.

User-Centric Refinement: Enhancing Usability Through Extensive Testing and Iterative UI Modifications.

I undertook an extensive usability testing and user research initiative, investing over 20 hours in understanding the daily needs and pain points of users through both testing and field observations. This multifaceted approach aimed to not only enhance the efficiency of users in their day-to-day tasks but also to eliminate frustrations associated with the existing tool, NGSD, which had led to a decline in employee retention rates.

While the introduction of the new tool marked an overall improvement, it became evident through usability testing and benchmarking that new challenges had emerged. My focus was on uncovering these issues and collaborating with the product development team to implement UI-level modifications that would address the identified problems, thereby refining the usability and overall experience of the new tool.

Transformative Configurations: Powering UX with 50% Faster Issue Resolution, £250k Annual Savings, and Soaring NPS Scores.

You can see some of the configurations above. The impact of this approach resonated directly with the business goals, as addressing the revealed problems became instrumental in mitigating user frustrations and enhancing the overall user experience.

A challenge that arose from wanting to make these improvements was the time constraint and concern from the product development team, based on the roadmap and targets set to have the product ready for rollout by the end of the quarter. This led to the UX team and I working with the development team to identify what changes could be made by configurating the UI, without needing to hard-code, therefore alleviating any need for developing new UI and features.

The outcome of all changes are shown above, and the product was rolled out to 1000+ customers, leading to increased NPS scores, reducing the time to resolve issues by 50%, and generating revenue through signing new customers, and saving money by increasing employee retention rates (estimated at £250k a year).

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