Virgin Money Project - Banking App

Role: Co-Designer on the Virgin Money banking app. This project presented a unique opportunity for the Virtusa team to design and showcase a compelling vision for the Virgin Money banking app, with the goal of securing a winning bid. The challenges were twofold—time constraints and the need to align with Virgin Money's distinctive brand language and values.

Accomplishments: For this project, I was able to co-lead benchmarking and requirement building of what a banking app should have, along with the language and personality of how Virgin Money broadcasted their services to their userbase. The product also optimises how Virgin Media could cross-sell products and services from other parts of the vast business empire of Virgin.

Innovative Express: Crafting Winning Designs under Pressure for Virgin Money Banking App.

Virgin Money's brand is deeply rooted in a people-centric approach, emphasising care and support. Replicating this essence without direct user insights required a nuanced understanding of Virgin Money's values. The team worked diligently to infuse the designs with a people-focused narrative, embodying Virgin Money's commitment to helping and connecting with people.

Despite the tight timeline, the project showcased the team's innovative prowess, delivering designs that not only met technical specifications but also authentically captured the essence of Virgin Money's brand language—a critical factor in winning the bid for the development of the banking app.

Empowering Finances: Streamlining Expense Management within the Banking App Experience.

This initiative focused on elevating the user experience within the banking app by incorporating insights gained from benchmarking similar financial apps such as Emma. The primary objective was to empower users with greater agency, enabling them to seamlessly control and manage their expenses, including subscriptions, directly through the banking app.

Drawing inspiration from successful financial apps like Emma, the team aimed to simulate an experience where users could effortlessly modify or cancel subscriptions without the need for external platforms. The overarching goal was to create a more user-friendly and efficient banking app experience that reduced the effort required for users to manage their expenses.

Shared Finances: Redefining Transactions with Seamless Bill Splitting.

Adding user agency by introducing an innovative feature within the Virgin Money banking app—an intuitive flow enabling users to effortlessly split the cost of bills. Whether it was sharing the expense of a takeaway meal or contributing to a birthday present for a mutual friend, users could seamlessly split a transaction.

The design aimed to simplify the process, allowing users to initiate the bill-splitting function by selecting a transaction and choosing the "split bill" option. This action triggered a request to the recipient's banking app, prompting them to confirm their willingness to split the bill.

Strategic Synergy: Elevating User Experience through Cross-Selling Products.

Central to this design pitch was the integration of cross-selling strategies within the Virgin Money banking app. Recognizing Virgin as a diverse business with a range of services, the team embraced the challenge outlined in the client brief—to explore opportunities for promoting and selling other Virgin products directly through the app.

The approach involved creating dedicated journeys within the banking app, specifically residing in the promotions section. This strategic design allowed users to seamlessly access and explore discounts from various other Virgin products.

Loyalty and Digital Wallets: Elevating User Engagement through Seamless Rewards.

The emphasis on loyalty and partnerships within Virgin Money presented a significant opportunity for user engagement and rewards. Aligning with the project brief, the design team crafted a strategic approach to leverage this aspect, creating screens that transparently showcased the process of adding and redeeming loyalty points directly through the banking app.

A key innovation was the integration of this loyalty feature into a digital wallet within the app, catering to both native iOS and Android platforms. This strategic design aimed to reinforce Virgin Money's commitment to rewarding and fostering loyalty among its users.

Money Transfer: Banking App Essentials with Intuitive Money Transfers.

The foundation of the banking app was meticulously crafted by delving into KANO models, a crucial step in aligning the app's features with user expectations. This approach aimed to identify the minimum required features for a banking app, ensuring a user-centric design that met and exceeded user needs.

The emphasis on user-friendly interfaces ensured that the money transfer feature not only met the baseline expectations but also provided an intuitive and hassle-free experience, aligning seamlessly with the principles established through the exploration of KANO models.

Promoted Event Booking: User Convenience through Cross-Selling Integration.

The focus extended to covering use cases where users could seamlessly book events directly from the promotions section without the need to input additional information or fret about security concerns—leveraging the data securely stored by the bank. This strategic design incorporated a streamlined process where users had the option to confirm or modify details, or alternatively, proceed with a manual booking and payment process using external methods like Klarna or PayPal.

The standout feature, however, was a single-click booking option, eliminating the need for users to navigate through multiple steps. With a click of a button, users could effortlessly secure their event booking, with all necessary details automatically handled by the banking app, showcasing a commitment to enhancing user experience and convenience.

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